Saturday 28 July 2012

**Weight Loss Is Easier Than you Think**

The diet of cabbage soup is one of the fad diets that are designed for rapid weight loss and requires no long term commitment. It is designed as a seven-day program, where Dieter has a diet plan strict adherence to the cabbage soup as main ingredients. The program itself is not new, became popular in 1980 due to the application of 10 pounds weight loss per week.

An example of power plan 7 days:

Day 1: Fruit consisting of cabbage soup, fruit (except bananas), protein shake, fat burner and drink water with lemon or herbs.

Day 2: Plant, consisting of cabbage soup, vegetables, protein shakes, fat burner drinks, potatoes in the oven, and water with lemon juice or vegetable.

3 days fruit and vegetables, consisting of cabbage soup, fruits, vegetables, protein shakes, fat burner drinks and water with lemon juice or vegetable.

Day 4: Bananas, consisting of cabbage soup, bananas, low fat dairy products, protein shake, and water with lemon or herbs diet solution program

Day 5: Fish and tomatoes, consisting of cabbage soup, fish or chicken with tomato protein shake, and drink Fat Burner and water with lemon or herbs.

Day 6: Day of poultry consisting of cabbage soup, chicken or fish, vegetables, protein shakes, fat burner drink water with lemon juice or vegetable.

Day 7: Day of rice consisting of cabbage soup, vegetables, protein drinks, drinking, fat burner, mushroom risotto, and water with lemon juice or vegetable.

Note that there is no limit on the consumption of cabbage soup every day, the diet you can eat whatever he wants. On day three, five, six, seven, there are no limits for fruits, vegetables, fish, and poultry consumption. Proceeds from the same soup usually consist of cabbage, carrots, peppers, onions, tomatoes and seasonings preferred. The program also prohibits alcohol, bread and soft drinks.

Although it is called The Plan of cabbage soup, no scientific studies that demonstrate the properties of cabbage to burn fat. The meal plan seven days indicate that this is another low-calorie diet with 800-100 calories per day, the soup is there to meet the diet when hungry.

rapid weight loss diet can expect to lose 10-15 pounds by the end of the program. No expensive ingredients, in fact, is very cheap.Simple, no exercise or any change in behavior is suggested to others, is only 7 days after meals.Encourage the dieter to eat more fruits and vegetables.

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